Well it is official...we have a baby!
After a long, long, long, (did I say long?) day Monday, Matt and I are now Dad and Mom to our sweet monkey.
Robert Neil Langford
November 14, 2011
11:40 pm
7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long
We have only had him for a short 18 hours but I have to say that he is the best baby. He is so sweet, likes to be snuggled, and is incredibly alert with his deep grey eyes. Matt and I are taking our time loving on him until we can bring him home!

Byron,Elijah, and I couldn't be happier for you! What a blessing Neil is! You are now parents and it is the MOST amazing thing! It isn't always easy, but when you stop and just look at the "miracle" you call your son, it is so worth it. Sixteen years to get our miracle and it was SO worth the wait. You are now a Mommy... What an amazig title! :=)
Aww! Congratulations!!
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