We started the morning on the top of Resevoir Hill on Fort Huachuca to attend the sunrise service. It has been years since I had been to a sunrise service. It was quite chilly but being on the top of the mountain rejoice in the day was great. I didn't take any pictures of this and I am kicking myself because I always regret it. But for some reason I have a complex about taking pictures at 'event's at which taking a picture would draw attention to myself. Oh well...
On Easter, both sides of our families are famous for making it into a big celebration with more food than you could eat in a lifetime. We both missed that this year, but in spite of being across the country we made it work. We invited some friends over who were in similar situations and I served them the Langford/McWilliams traditional Easter Fare:
Baked Ham
It was my first time making a ham, so I was nervous...but it turned out delish!
My Handsome Carver
Deviled Eggs
We didn't die any eggs this year, Duece didn't seem interested, so we stuck with deviled ones.
Hashbrown Casserole (My Fav) and Green Bean Casserole
I could eat Hashbrown casserole 365 days a year...that is where all that butter came from. Oops.
I tried a new green been casserole recipe from Brown Eyed Baker. Everyone ate it, but I personally liked the traditional cream of soup and canned green beans casserole, I will remember that for next year.
The token garden salad.
It was a great Easter and we enjoyed hosting our new friends! Thanks to the Loomis's and the Kastner's for bringing themselves and their delicious desserts!

Glad the green bean casserole worked out! It's funny how those standard recipes are always the best - even when subbed with fresh ingredients!
Less than a month away! I'm looking forward to coming out
Looks so yummy! Great job! I would love your hashbrown casserole recipe if you don't mind sharing :)
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