What Else?

Saturday, April 2

I'll take Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona for $700 Alex

Let me just say that on our little journey, we saw quite a bit of the country.  Driving through West Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona will really put into perspective how extremely large this country is.  While it is really amazing to think about it, take my word that it is REALLY boring. 

Case in point:  Rule, TX
For all intents and purposes, it was ghost town.  Rule did offer us one thing we desperately needed:  a gas station...with a bathroom...that wasn't out of order.  Way to go Rule, TX!  While you have not managed to keep open a single business on Main Street, you have manage to support the local gas station that boasts 24 hour chimichangas.  

The rest of West Texas pretty much looked like this:
Notice all of that going on in the background?  Didn't think so!  There was nothing going on in TX.  I seriously wondered to myself, "Where do these people grocery shop?" and "If they grocery shop, can they buy ice-cream?".  It literally blows. my. mind.  that someone would live here, or within 200 miles of here.  Every mile marker I passed, I was thanking God to high heavens for not putting another 4X4 in the road.  

Was it enchanting?  I don't know if I would call it enchanting.  But it was nice to go from gray skies, to brown, um...fields?  Again, not sure what we were supposed to be enchanted about, but Duece sure was excited to be out of the car for something.

They might not have much to look at but at least they keep a sense of humor.
I see what they did there!

When we started to see this, we knew we were getting close to our destination.

Home Sweet Home!
We are loving Arizona so far and can't wait to explore more of it!

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