What Else?

Saturday, April 2

Carlsbad? More like Carls'good' Caverns!

Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico was so cool, and I was so glad that we decided to stop there and explore. 

We got to be park rangers for the day.  Not really, but I would have loved that!

They gave you the open to take the elevator down or take the natural entrance.  We decided to take the natural entrance, which ended up being like 1.2 miles, or approximately 75 stores. 

It looks like a big hole in the ground, because, well...that is what it actually is.  The human instinct is to NOT enter dark holes in the Earth that looks like they will swallow you up.

 But we entered anyway.

Down we went...

and went, and went.

The Caverns were surround by amazing rock formations, and geology isn't my thing normally, but just seeing this type of stuff leaves you in amazement.  It stays a balmy 56 degrees year round.  It is incredibly humid in the caverns, we were dripping with water after our journey to the center of the Earth.

It is all just buried beneath the ground.  Matt and I kept talking about what the guy that discovered this must have been thinking.  They had the path lit, but it was still relatively dark.  If they turned all of the lights off it would have been pitch black.

Don't touch Matt!

 The top of the Caverns offered an AMAZING view, I swear you could probably see for  50 miles or more.  I really am not a good judge of distance though.
Duece got to go to the Caverns with us, but he had to stay in the on site kennel.  He didn't really like it, but again, he wasn't in the car, so it wasn't THAT bad.

I wish I could share all of the pictures I took, but it would take up way to much room on the blog.  If you and your family are ever in Southern New Mexico, it is really worth the trip to see this natural wonder.
Carlsbad Caverns Rock! 
(I couldn't help myself with the geology joke)


  1. Carlsbad is one of my favorite places. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

  2. We really did enjoy it, I wish that we would have had a little more time to spend there.
