I had a sweet tooth yesterday, inspired by my Double Stuff Brownies (you can find that here), I decided to try something new. May I introduce you to Reese's Stuffed Chocolate Chip cookies. Think about it, roll that around on your tongue for a little bit...you likin' it. Yeah, that just happened!
The concept is simple, take a already delicious cookie and make it even more delicious by stuffing it with the most awesomely delicious candy that was ever created. Shall we proceed?
All you really need is a bag of cookie mix and the Reese's. I cheat and buy the bag mix, because I am not an overachiever that makes my own cookie mix, and by overachiever I mean, I do not like to do the extra dishes. Do you notice those Reese's? So cool, never seen them like this before. I struggled with whether or not to buy an entire bag because we all know...I would eat what I didn't use in the cookies, and technically I would be eating those too. This way they break off into perfectly square pieces.
Mix it up and drop into rounded tablespoons onto wax paper. I found that I needed each to be this size in order to wrap around the chocolate square. I should have put them in the freezer for a little bit, but I was excited to get my cookie on.
Take one rounded ball of dough and press the Reese's into it, mashing the dough up the sides.
Take a second ball of dough and completely cover and encase the Reese's. This is why freezing them would have helped, the warmth of my hands and the dough kind of made a mess (totally worth it).
Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake at 375 for about 11-13 min.
The Result?
A big banging cookie.
Trust me when I say, these are dangerous. When they are hot out of the oven, oh man...back away from your mom because you will slap her (love you mom!). I only made six because that meant between me, Matt, and our guest we would have to limit ourselves to two and therefore would not be gluttonous slobs.
Nom Nom Nom!
I feel like I have to add this disclaimer:
Yes, I had a band-aid on, you can reference yesterday's post for more information. Also, I used no glass in the making of these cookies.
haha! Love it.