A friend asked me what I was doing today and told me, "I am packing my hospital bag." I immediately thought, 'yeah, I should probably get on that'. Seeing as how Neil could decide to make his appearance at any point. I might only be 35 weeks, but as sure as I get comfortable with the idea of him coming is 5 weeks, he will decide to debut tonight as soon as my head hits the pillow. No bueno. I am ready to meet him, but not tonight. K? Matt is out of town. Thanks!
That brings me to my hospital bag. Nothing brings a dose of reality like having to pack a bag to take to the hospital in case of labor, not imaginary labor, but actual pushing a baby out of your body labor. Whoa Nelly! I will spare you all of the not so blog friendly things that have to go into your "reality bag" and share with you what I wish was going into my hospital bag. In theory ALL of these things would make me feel better during and after delivery.
And those are just to name a few.
This whole experience is really making me examine was is going to happen to my body in the aftermath of having a child. Again, I will spare you the details because I think typing it out would make me blush. However, I am a firm believer that if teenagers, male and female, knew all of the gory details about childbirth...they would definitely think twice about playing seven minutes in heaven...if you know what I mean.
So to all of the parents of teenagers out there, Halloween is coming up and kids always like a good horror story, why not really freak them out and tell them about Labor and Delivery!
Consider that my PSA for the week.
The only item I used in my "reality bag" was my clothes to wear home.