Shortly after I joined I bookmarked or "pinned" the first project I wanted to tackle. It was a knock-off of this from Ballard Designs.
Beckie over at Infarrantly Creative did a stellar job of creating a similar paper holder and most importantly she provided the instructions that I used as a jumping off point. I talked Matt into helping me and we set off on a trip to Lowe's and our own paper holder journey.
This is what we ended up with:
Obviously ours looks a little different, but I am pleased with how it turned out. Unfortunately I didn't measure that well and all the paper rolls I could find were either too big or too small. Bummer! But I still think even with the miniature paper roll our project kicks bootay! I really love how we decided to add the chalkboard at the top. It will be perfect for recipes, to-do lists, grocery store runs, and one day our little mister can doodle on it while mama cooks!
Doesn't the bright cheery yellow totally rock? I am having a yellow moment right now!
Thanks to Matt for his handiwork, pinterest, and Infarrantly Creative!

That is SO cute! Good job!