What Else?

Wednesday, July 20

So What Wednesday?!

It had been awhile since I particpated in the adorable Shannon's linky party over at Life After I Dew.
Today I am saying SO WHAT IF I:
  • Pick out the marshmallows from my bowl of lucky charms in the am...or pm.
  • Forget that I have clothes in the washing machine and have to wash them twice.
  • Go 2 days without washing my hair, I like to think it is healthier for it.
  • Might drink 2 glasses of orange juice in the middle of the day just because I want to feel baby moving in my belly.
  • Bought a notebook I didn't need from Best Buy just because it had the cutest beagle puppies on the cover.  It really was THAT cute.
  • Take board games to seriously.  If you aren't playing to win, then why are you playing?
  • Delete people from Facebook because they crowd my feed with games/advertisements/etc...
  • Have mostly children's movies on my Netflix que.
  • Contemplate every single night asking Matt to take me Taco Bell for a beef meximelt.
  • Answer the door to sign for a Fed-ex package without my bra on...that is what he gets for coming to my house before 10 am.
  • I am still not dressed at 10 am.

What are you giving the finger to this week saying so what to this week?

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