What Else?

Tuesday, May 31

Our Memorial Day Weekend

Hope you and yours had a great weekend spending time with each other and doing some fun stuff.  Matt is currently at an Army school and aside from this four day week end we don't get much time off, so we wanted to make the most of it.  We are thankful that my younger brother was able to come spend some time with us.

This is how we spent our weekend:

A few delish meals were made, and this was my favorite I wanted to share with y'all
Lasagna Cupcakes by way of Plain Chicken.  So clever, so easy, so good!

We went to the Pima County Air and Space  Museum

Took a hike along the San Pedro River

It isn't often you see big trees in AZ, so we decided on a photo op.

Duece went for a swim in the river.  He did not like it. 

He also got a new toy...meet "The Squirrel". 

Crafted a little bit (kinda).
More on this later. 

And after all of it we decided we needed patio furniture.  Brace yourself...
Isn't it just adorable.  Mom, don't be jealous.  I love our new retro green glider/chair combo.

Again, hope your family time this weekend was as great as ours!


  1. I totally love the retro patio furniture!!! <3

  2. Thanks Dayle, I keep staring at it out the back door!

  3. 1. Love the new furniture!
    2. Love Plain Chicken now! Thanks for the heads up.
