What Else?

Saturday, May 21

Movie Palooza!

This week has been movie palooza for the Langfords!  And Matt, sweet sweet Matt, bless his heart, all were chick flicks.  He really is a good sport when it comes to movies.  I will admit that in the past I am...how shall I say it, a little inept at picking out a movie that deserves a rating over D, but this week I was spot on. 

Bridesmaids and Something Borrowed were both really cute!

Can ya dig it?
I can!
I didn't have high expectation, see above about my movie picking abilities.  The funny, fabulous, and sometimes incredibly awkward ladies made me laugh over and over.
Brazilian food anyone?
Seriously, I won't ruin it, but go see it and take your man because he will survive.

And tonight we were invited to go see :
Two things I love:
A movie with Kate Hudson (she can do no wrong)
A movie based on a book
Yes, this was the quintessential chick flick that at times had me rolling my eyes.  It wasn't a tear jerker, but by the end of the movie I was satisfied. I was sad that we had to part with $15 to see it and Matt's eyes and ears did not start to bleed.
I say all around a win!

Some changes are going to be coming to the blog over the next week or so, so keep your eyes peeled!

1 comment:

  1. Stop the press - we actually agree on a movie! Bridesmaids was hilarious!

    Now as far as Something Borrowed goes...sorry my friend, but I just can't watch it. #1 - I did NOT like the book. I just couldn't get passed the whole "I'm sleeping with my best friend's fiance, but its ok, because their not right for each other." No, not ok. lol
