What Else?

Saturday, April 9

We got some new digs!

First let me issue a warning:  This is very picture heavy.  To our mom's who have been dying to see, here you go!  I also apologize for the picture quality, we don't have great lighting in the new place, and even though I have a "fancy" camera, I don't know how to use it properly.  

This is what moving does to a puppy dog.  Isn't he pitiful?

From the Front

The living and dining room are actually one big area, this is the dining side.

And the living room side 

Foyer, I know that the pictures aren't in order...don't judge me. 
Look who snuck into this picture!

You will notice a little nook over there by the windows for a table, but our table was too big to go there. Now it will just serve as empty space, but it will come in handy when we have to have TWO highchairs, oh my Lord. 

Other side of the kitchen

And I managed to sneak in a little photo op of our babies first photo op. Whoop Whoop!

Extra Bedroom/Craft Room
I am fully aware that it is not going to stay the craft room.  This will become the nursery.  And who am I kidding with a craft room, like I will even have time for that in 6 months.

Guest Bath 

The Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles Room 

Master Bedroom 
I love the french doors coming into it, makes me feel fancy!

A view from the other side 

Master Bath 
Love my tub and love that the shower is separate.

And there you have it!


  1. I love it!! I can't wait to see pictures of that nursery. :)

  2. OH Chelle I LOVE it!!!! How adorable. It just says YOU :)
    Digging that shower curtain you got...where'd ya find it??

  3. Got the shower curtain at marshalls Jenn. Thanks!

  4. WHAT!?!?!?? Oh my word!!! You are having twins!??! Congratulations!!!!! :):)
