What Else?

Wednesday, April 27

Lindy's on 4th

A few weeks ago, while watching Man vs. Food, we discovered Lindy's on 4th.

It looked like a crazy burger joint, and better yet it was in Tuscon.  Score.  We decided the next time we were in Tucson that we would track this place down for supper.
This is what enticed us...
The OMFG Burger
That would be: nine 1/3 pound patties, cheddar, swiss, lettuce, tomato, onion, and lindy's sauce.
WOW!  We weren't necessarily up to the challenge but it did make us want to check out this unique burger joint!

I was interested in trying the special burger of the month, but I knew my stomach couldn't handle it.  It was the Southern Comfort:  a patty, bacon, egg, cheese, peanut butter, and syrup all sandwiched between two waffles.  Yowza!

Matt decided on the Velvet Hammer, a double patty with cheese, two fried eggs, and all the fixings!

I settled for a cheesesteak and I didn't even come close to eating the entire thing. 
It might be because I filled up on these bacon ranch fries!

It was a fun place for dinner, maybe next time I can talk Matt into the OMFG Burger!

Tuesday, April 26

Hip Hoppity Easter

I know it is already two days past, but it took me two days to get over the incredible amount of butter that I ate this weekend.  It was seriously and insane amount.  It was also a very different Easter for Matt and I, we were all by our lonesome in Arizona, so it was up to us to make our own celebration!

We started the morning on the top of Resevoir Hill on Fort Huachuca to attend the sunrise service.  It has been years since I had been to a sunrise service.  It was quite chilly but being on the top of the mountain rejoice in the day was great.  I didn't take any pictures of this and I am kicking myself because I always regret it.  But for some reason I have a complex about taking pictures at 'event's at which taking a picture would draw attention to myself.  Oh well...

On Easter, both sides of our families are famous for making it into a big celebration with more food than you could eat in a lifetime.  We both missed that this year, but in spite of being across the country we made it work.  We invited some friends over who were in similar situations and I served them the Langford/McWilliams traditional Easter Fare:
Baked Ham
It was my first time making a ham, so I was nervous...but it turned out delish!

My Handsome Carver

Deviled Eggs 
We didn't die any eggs this year, Duece didn't seem interested, so we stuck with deviled ones.

Hashbrown Casserole (My Fav) and Green Bean Casserole 
I could eat Hashbrown casserole 365 days a year...that is where all that butter came from.  Oops.
I tried a new green been casserole recipe from Brown Eyed Baker.  Everyone ate it, but I personally liked the traditional cream of soup and canned green beans casserole, I will remember that for next year.

The token garden salad.

It was a great Easter and we enjoyed hosting our new friends!  Thanks to the Loomis's and the Kastner's for bringing themselves and their delicious desserts!

Thursday, April 21

I rescued a stray today...

I rescued a stray at the grocery store today, it seems to be happening more and more to me.  I must have a sign on my head that reads: Sucker.

Today it happened on the international food aisle.  I couldn't tell where it was coming from at first, I just heard..."Chelle....chelle, oh chelle..."  and finally and bent down and I heard, "yeah you!"  I saw them, laying there discarded between the Asian noodles and soy sauce like someone just tossed them out of their buggy...double stuffed oreos.

And you know me...my momma raised me right.  I am not the one to be rude, especially to cookies, so I listened to what they had to say.  When they told me their story about how some lady had picked them up and promised them a new home only to discard them next to the sad Asian noodles, I couldn't help but console them.  I assured them that they would have a new home at my house in my belly.

So I rescued them and gave them a new home.
 Aren't I sweet?

Sunday, April 17

Meet Betty

It has been a long 5 years in the making but I finally got me a new ride.  Okay technically, Matt got me a new ride, but I was there to nag him hold his hand through the entire process.  We have affectionately named her Betty, yes we named her.  While I may now be driving round a deliciously stylish vehicle, I am still a dork on the inside that names her vehicle.  

 She really has a nice as...behind.   
 Not to shabby from the front either
One of our major concerns with getting a new vehicle was how much room we were going to have for babies, dog, travel, etc...  I hate to admit it, but I was leaning towards the practicality of a *gasp* minivan.  Don't judge okay?  But when we saw how much room this had we knew it would work for us. 
 Basic storage in the back with the the back, with the third row seating up.
More storage in the back with the third row seating down.

And even more with all of the seats down.  This will come in handy particularly in about 10 months when I escape to the grocery store and fold everything down only to stretch out and nap in the back.  
I loved that the second row was captain's seating instead of the traditional bench seat.  Seems like it will make it easier to get in the back when the need arises. 
Third Row...looks comfortable enough, not that I plan on riding back there if I don't have to.

A view from the driver's seat. 
And the front and back have sunroofs.  Woot Woot! 

I am very thankful that my husband loves me enough to buy me a new vehicle!  Love him and love it!

Monday, April 11

Dog Day Afternoon

This afternoon he started off with a little of this...
Then he managed to roll himself over to enjoy some of this...

And I am not sure how he did it but he scraped together some more energy and pulled himself to this position.

It's a "ruff" life.

Sunday, April 10

Beautiful Bisbee

Saturday afternoon we Matt managed to pull himself away from the Masters so we could go explore this little gem of a town we had heard about from several people.  

Welcome to Bisbee, AZ!
The old town is set into the mountainside and the buildings and streets are a maze of stairs, twists and turns.  I am not going to lie, I got a little winded hiking up and down the streets.  

Bisbee is the location of an old mining city and there is this huge quarry there that Matt and I weren't really sure about.  We couldn't figure out if it was still operational or if it was just remnants from industry gone by.  It was obvious from the shops around town that this was a prime mining location for turquoise and copper.
Every where you turned there were stair cases like these tucked behind and in between buildings.  Some of them seemed to go to nowhere, and others just kept going up, up, up!

There happened to be a classic car show on Main Street and Matt picked out this beauty.  Doesn't it scream sensible family car for a growing family?  I think so too! 

Then when we saw this it screamed, "Billy Mc".  I knew he would appreciate us taking a picture of his dream El Camino SS.

We will just call this vehicle "The Thing", it was interesting to say the least.

We had a nice lunch at Santiago's, and authentic Mexican Restaurant.  Well, it was more authentic than the Mexican food we were used to in Mississippi.   

It was definitely and interesting town, and had it not been for the 25 mph gusts of wind whipping us all around we might have stayed for the Second Saturday celebration.  We will definitely check that out next month, hopefully in warmer temps.
Bye Bye Bisbee!

Saturday, April 9

We got some new digs!

First let me issue a warning:  This is very picture heavy.  To our mom's who have been dying to see, here you go!  I also apologize for the picture quality, we don't have great lighting in the new place, and even though I have a "fancy" camera, I don't know how to use it properly.  

This is what moving does to a puppy dog.  Isn't he pitiful?

From the Front

The living and dining room are actually one big area, this is the dining side.

And the living room side 

Foyer, I know that the pictures aren't in order...don't judge me. 
Look who snuck into this picture!

You will notice a little nook over there by the windows for a table, but our table was too big to go there. Now it will just serve as empty space, but it will come in handy when we have to have TWO highchairs, oh my Lord. 

Other side of the kitchen

And I managed to sneak in a little photo op of our babies first photo op. Whoop Whoop!

Extra Bedroom/Craft Room
I am fully aware that it is not going to stay the craft room.  This will become the nursery.  And who am I kidding with a craft room, like I will even have time for that in 6 months.

Guest Bath 

The Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles Room 

Master Bedroom 
I love the french doors coming into it, makes me feel fancy!

A view from the other side 

Master Bath 
Love my tub and love that the shower is separate.

And there you have it!