What Else?

Saturday, February 19

A Special Day for Duece

I have a confession, something I always feel really guilty about it...I hate boarding Duece.  And if I am being honest we have boarded him a lot over the last month or so.  It seems like things just keep coming up and either we are going to be out for a long night or out of town for the weekend, and leaving him alone for the whole weekend would probably qualify us for dog abusers.  No thanks.

So after boarding him last weekend, I decided that today we needed to take Duece to do something special.  You might say that he doesn't really care or know the difference, but I assure you he does.  He loved today and so did Matt and I.

We started at the dog park.  Unfortunately the only dog park in the area that you don't have to be a member of (yes a member, ridiculous? I think so.) is on Tybee Island.  And we also forgot to bring a ball with us.  We stopped at the beach store thinking, surely they will have a ball.  Matt picked up on that looked about right and it rang up for...wait for it...$13.99.  He dropped that like a 17 year old at a dance club.  That is when we settled on this little green guy...

He is smiling because he cost an arm and a leg.  A little cheaper than his fancy ball brother, this smiling smart-ass rang up for a much more manageable $4.50. 
The funny part?  Duece didn't even want to play with it, go figure. 

Duece was on the loose and ready to rock n roll.  
It was a busy day at the dog park, there were a total of eleven dogs there.

The welcome wagon had to meet and greet every dog that came through the gate.

Bailey, the baby golden retriever did not like being left out. 
After an hour or so playing at the dog park, everyone started to leave, and being at the dog park alone isn't near as much fun as being there with eleven other dogs.  We left too, and started on the next part of our journey....
Duece's Coming Out in Savannah.
We weren't sure if Savannah was ready for him, but I would say overall it was quite the afternoon.
The weather was perfect today and downtown was the place to be.  Tons of dogs were out walking their owners around.  Duece did not have any problems making friends as he strutted through the squares.

He even ran into another beagle.  I am pretty sure that he recognized they had more in common than just being dogs.

That brings us to the horses...Duece's nemesis.
Downtown Savannah isn't the best place to be if you are a dog and aren't a fan of horses.  Carriage tours are everywhere and these "big looking dogs" freaked him the freak out.  I don't know if it was anything in particular, but more so the combination of their size, smell, and sound of their hooves on the cobblestone roads.  Whatever it was...Duece LOUDLY let everyone around him know that he was not pleased.

At one point, he had to be restrained.

Next stop...The Grateful Hound.
Just a cute little pet store with homemade dog treats made from local ingredients

It is always fun to go into a dog friendly store.

Going in curious...

Leaving a satisfied customer

Duece got a treat so it was only fair that Matt and I got a treat too...
Cupcakes! My Favorite!
I must have jostled the box a little too much, because when we finally stopped for lunch/dessert the frosting on Matt's cupcake had slid off the top of it.  He had to eat it with a fork out of the box.  

By the time we stopped for lunch, he was done. I was very impressed with his behavior while we sat and ate lunch.  One passerby even said, "Cute dog, he is so well behaved." We just smiled...if he only knew that we had just forced him to play for an hour straight, and then walk for a combined total of about 3 hours, he was dead tired, not well behaved. 

Of course I had a great time with Duece today and doing something different that our normal weekend routine, but I really had a good time with Matt.  It was bittersweet spending what is probably one of our last weekends in this wonderful, beautiful city. 

"Can we go home yet?" 

Hope you are having a great weekend, we sure are!

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