What Else?

Friday, January 28

And the winner is...

"Golf Clap, Golf Clap, Golf Clap"

Thats right, the Langford's are the winners of the 1st annual Fort Stewart Guys and Dolls Two Man Golf Scramble.  It was pretty glamorous.
For those of you that don't know, a scramble means that you both hit a ball off of the tee box, then you pick the better of the two shots and hit your next shots from there, you keep doing this until one of you get it in the hole.  Sounds simple enough, right.  It is relatively easy when you are playing with a golf ace like Matt.  The first time we played in a scramble we took, one, count them one, of my shots.  I was so disappointed.

However, in 2011, I have a feeling that golf is going to be my game!  This time we used 9, thats right, nuevo, shots that I hit which averages out to a shot a hole, go me! Including a bad ass 3-wood that hit the green from 175 yards...over water!  When I hit that shot I actually jumped up and down and yelled like a little girl, "yay, yay, yay!"   I think Matt was slightly embarrassed, but that was counteracted by the fact that my ball landed less than 10 feet from the hole.

On another note, aside from the  9 good shots I made, I had a bunch of "ok" shots, and a few "WTF" shots.  One shining moment included me dead centering a pine tree about 75 yards down the fairway, I couldn't do that again if I tried.

All in all we had a really great time, I enjoy going and playing golf with Matt, especially in this type of event, because even though there is a prize on the line, we don't take it so seriously and we have fun, win or lose
I am pretty sure that I have officially earned myself an invitation to play in another scramble.  We won with a 36.  The prize wasn't that glamorous, it was a free Valentine's Day brunch for two at Club Stewart.


  1. I love the last picture of you - money shot! Sounds like a lot of fun!

    Thanks for the new post bestie ;)

  2. I know, Matt took that and I was pretty impressed with his skills.
