What Else?

Monday, December 20

Frosty the Snowman is melting...

A few days ago when scanning the list of blogs that I follow, I came across a really great tutorial for a unique Christmas cookie.   Maggie at Smashed Peas and Carrots had one of the most ingenious ideas for a cookie I have ever seen.  Ever since I saw this melted snowman cookie I have been sold and have even told several people about this really cool, totally awesome cookie I wanted to make.

Now, you can not honestly tell me that this cookie doesn't make you want to say, "Well, oh my goodness, I couldn't have imagined a cuter cookie."

Matt and I are back in MS for the Christmas holdiays.  I was at my mom and dad's today piddling around in the kitchen and all of the ingredients were there, so I threw caution to the wind and made my own little melted snowman army.  So many time I "shoulda, coulda, woulda" things I see and want to recreate but they always seem to fall off my radar before I can get to them.

Frosty wanted to know, "Did someone turn the heat on in here?"

This was a really simple recipe, and something that if you were to take to a cookie exchange, I am willing to bet you that everyone would leave talking about what a creative amazing baker you were.  Trust me.   Not only will your friends think you are a crafy cookie maker, but your kids (if you have them) will definetly give you the best mom award. 

If you are interested in the homeade recipe or if you are just an overachiever, then you can find the full sugar recipe at Maggie's blog in the link above.  If you are a lover of shortcuts and all things easy, you can do like I did and break out a bag of Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie mix, just make sure you follow the roll out cookie instructions. 

1 cup powdered sugar
3 tsp milk
2 tsp light corn syrup
1/4 tsp almond extract

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