What Else?

Friday, December 24

A Christmas Tattoo

While wrapping presents tonight Matt and I had an idea...a tattoo would make a great Christmas Eve tradition.  Okay, maybe we won't make it a tradition.  Wrapping presents on Christmas Eve is one of those things that everyone tries to avoid, however it doesn't matter how much prep you have done, you always end up with those few presents that pop up out of nowhere.  Matt was generous enough to keep me company and while we were sitting there with our dog staring at us, Matt looked at the sharpie in my hand and inspiration struck.  A Christmas Tattoo was born.  And what better to have a tattoo of than our super cool dog, Duece. 

I don't know about you, but I think I did a bang up job at recreating our fur child with a sharpie maker.  I actually did such a good job that I am thinking about taking back all of Matt's gifts because I don't think they will be able to compare to the masterpiece I created on his arm.

I will now admit that Matt didn't exactly "ok" the Duecy's Dad part, I threw that in there before he could stop me, but who can really argue with an artist?
What crazy things do you get into on Christmas Eve while up late finishing up your last minute Christmas details?

Merry Christmas Eve Bloglandia!


  1. Awesome job my friend!!! I love it! Im always impressed with people who can just bang out a pic and have it look good. I was never blessed with the drawing gene (although I try). Any chance Matt will make it permanent? LOL

    You wanna know what kind of crazy things we are up doing??? Genealogy! Yep its strange but a passion of ours.

    Merry Christmas Langford Family. :)
