What Else?

Thursday, November 11

Down in Mississippi and up to no good

There hasn't been much on my radar for blog chatter.  But Matt and I have been back in Mississippi for the past few days, so between traveling from GA to MS and then back and forth between our families over the past couple of days I haven't much felt like getting on here.

Matt is currently on his 30 days of block leave that ever solider gets as a part of their re-integration following a deployment.  It is nice, just having time to do what we want, not having to worry about work or anything really.  The past week as been fairly low key.  But come Friday our motors will be geared up and we will be going full steam ahead until the beginning of December.  I probably won't be around much at all until then.  In the coming weeks we have a 5 day hunting trip planned, a 7 day cruise over Thanksgiving, and more family time when we can squeeze it in here and there.

When I opened my computer today it was crying, "Chelle I missed you."  I know...I missed you to.

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