What Else?

Wednesday, October 20

I am alive, thank you for not calling 911.

Not only am I alive, but I am revived.  In the past five days there was really only one time that I felt like calling 911 might have been necessary and that was because I had not slept in about 27 hours.  A lot had happened in a day and a half...I welcomed my in-laws to GA, cleaned my house, and welcomed my husband home from Iraq!  Did you get that last part?  I welcomed my husband home from Iraq.  I think that is enough justification for not blogging for 5 days.

Homecoming was A-Mazing!  I have never been so excited to have somewhere to be at 4:45 am.  I didn't even go to bed.  I give a big thanks to my friend Katie, who's husband was on the same flight.  She gave to my house at midnight with a bottle of wine and sat here with me for 4 hours while we anxiously awaited the phone call to let us know the plan had landed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah.  It was tough staying awake.  Anyone that knows me knows that I love to sleep/nap so staying up all night was a big commitment.

We arrived at the field and met up with some other friends who were all there for the ceremony and we waited around in the cold talking and laughing with friends and family just waiting for our soldiers to get there. Finally that booming voice came over the loud speaker and told us that the buses were pulling through the gate.  Screams and more screams as we watched them unload the buses and march across the field.  I stood there patiently as we sang the National Anthem, the Army Song, and the 3rd ID song, listened to a short speech, and finally at lightening speed ran off to find my husband.

*cue music*
Reunited and it feels so good....

Unfortunately, since it was dark...I don't have great pictures.  I just have to keep telling myself that the memories I have are in my heart, and that I don't need photos.  But I do wish I had them...le sigh.  Matt also hired a photographer (thanks Cpt. Ostendorff) but he doesn't know where the cords are for his camera so I can't upload those either.  And in true classy redneck fashion as soon as we got in the car we hit up The Waffle House for breakfast.  Yum, kinda.

It was a really fun filled weekend.  I could have been happy just sitting on the couch looking at Matt, but it was nice to spend time with his family. I have more to blog about but for now I will just share the few pictures that turned out from the ceremony.
We were trying to embarrass the guys and decided to wear these ROGUE t-shirts.  I am pretty confident that I was rockin that "G".

Katie and I waiting, but still incredibly happy.

Mrs. Melanie and Mr. Randy

Me and Julie (thanks for the shirts)

There they are!  You can barely see them behind those trees back there.

I see you!

Getting some love from Addison.  She was very excited to see Uncle Matt.

Me and the girls, bless them for getting up so early!

Me and my beautiful sign.

Unfortunately I didn't get a good one of Matt and I, but he is home and that is what is most important.
Stay tuned for more blog posts about the past weekend!


  1. YAY!!! SO glad he is home! :) Hopefully the photographer was able to get some good ones of you guys!

  2. This totally made me all teary eyed! *sigh*

  3. OK, I know I am super late in posting this, sorry! But Byron and I as SO happy that Matt made it home safely. Looks like things are going great for the two since his return (love reading your post)Enjoy every minute of it!!
    Aunt Michelle
