What Else?

Monday, August 2

Chuck Liddell is that you?

Here is a funny story...

Yesterday on our adventure home from Louisville/Nashville, we stopped for lunch.  After passing the exit and missing the Krystal's (Dad and I were dying for a sackful), we decided to stop at Ruby Tuesday's.  I am really not a fan of anything on their menu, but there salad bar CAN NOT be beat.  It is always fresh, and has so many options for salad lovers like me.

After enjoying a sweet little lunch to satisfy us on the road home, we get ready to leave the restaurant.  To my dad's surprise he opened the glass door and his jaw dropped, eyes lit up, and head spun around.  There, in the Ruby Tuesday's parking lot in Cullman, Alabama was none other than....
Chuck Liddell!!!  The Iceman himself...

It was a complete fake out.  Almost as soon as the thought passed through my dad's head, it left it, he realized that he had been faked out by a Chuck Liddell look alike.  It was a slight disappointment, but seriously what were the chances of actually running into the Iceman in a Ruby Tuesday's parking lot in Cullman, AL.  Slim to none.  So, what does my dad do?  He tells the guy... "Hey man, when I really thought you were Chuck Liddell."  The guy wasn't impressed, I don't even think he knew who we were talking about.

Oh, well the excitement was worth it.  And now we can say that we had an almost had a run in with a celebrity, almost.

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