What Else?

Thursday, July 29

What a girl wants IS what a girl needs...

There are two things that I want.  Material things that I sometimes dream about having.  Yes, I want them, but I also NEED them.  Lets not mix up the meaning of those two words because in this instance they are exactly the same. I need them not only because they are pretty, but because they would both serve a specific purpose.  They both would aide in my ability to perform my domestic duties.
Drum-roll please......


A pistachio Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer.  Isn't she a beauty?  Pistachio may not be the go to color for other people, as it might take them back to a time when pistachio was the must have color for refrigerators, ovens, and bathtubs but to me, it is pure love.  I have an obsession with all things green.  As much as I try to steer myself to other colors, I gravitate back.  Shh....can you hear that?  It is calling my name.  Just imagine all of the special treats and brownies that I could make in this sucker.  I promise that I would not let it sit on the counter and gather dust.  I can hear it now, the quite hum of the mixer as it stirs up the batch of brownies I want to make as welcome home to Matt.

And...drum-roll please....


A Dyson Vacuum
No matter what she says gentleman, I think that everyone wife secretly harbors a desire for a dyson vacuum.  Heck, it certainly isn't a secret for me.  I want one.  There is no denying that whoever designed this uber vacuum, that not only did they create a superb sucking power, but also fitted it with a magnet that attracts a woman's heart along with pet hair.  It just looks so pretty.  I have a hairless beagle...oh, wait he isn't hairless but you would think he was the amount of hair he sheds. So I need this vacuum to help keep stray dog hair form winding up in the kitchen, where it would interfere with the brownies I was making in my new Kitchen Aid mixer.  

Now for the sad part:
You can only afford these two products if you happened to marry into the royal family or if you are a Kardashian.  I kid, I kid, but they are both rather expensive and not something that you just pick up on a whim while at Wal-Mart. As much as I want them, it will take a considerable amount of time to convince myself that the price tag is worth it.
That is why these are still on my wish list and not on the kitchen counter and hall closet respectively.
A girl can dream, so for now, I am just going to stick to lusting after them from a far and imagine myself prancing around the living room, apron on, vacuum in one hand and a plate of brownies in the other.


  1. I LOVE the mixer color. If I were you, I'd plan my kitchen decorations/colors around that mixer. :)

    My mom wanted a kitchenaid mixer for a long time, and when she finally got one, she realized it didn't fit under the cupboards, so she had to drag it out of storage everytime she wanted to use it... alas it doesn't get used very much. Oh well, it was the dream that counts, haha.

  2. Okay, you must know. I have both. Not the exact ones pictured. My mixer happens to be pink, and my Dyson, is yellow. lol Both are for sure worth their weight in gold and that is no lie. Promise.

  3. I have a kitchen aid (black) and love it!!! I wanted one for soooo long and got one as a wedding gift. I use it all the time too! It's definitely a must!

  4. I have a stand mixer and I can't live without it.

    However, I do not have a Dyson vacuum. But I really really really want one.

  5. Love, love, love my new Dyson Animal! I'd like a stand mixer but I'm not sure it would get a lot of use.

    PS - Can you tell I'm catching up on your blog today? :)
