Almost. It was more of a 1/3 of a Tri. I completed my 3.2 miles and I did better than expected. I ran the entire thing, no walking from this lady. But to be honest, had I needed to run another 2 feet my two legs would have fallen off, they were on fire. I ran it in 36 min. When my brother rode his bike back into the transition area I knew it was time, I had butterflies in my stomach because I was nervous...I wanted to do well. I put the timing chip on my ankle and away I went. I had so much adrenaline at the start I ran the first mile in 10 min and 20 seconds. The next two miles were a little slower clocking in at around 12 minutes or so. I did not pass anyone, but I sure did get passed by lots of people. Oh well, you know what? I did it and that was my goal. I was tired yesterday, but I think that had more to do with getting up at 3:45 and less to do with the fact that I ran. I am not even sore today.
Our group before all the fun started.
(Terra, Kristi, Michale, my dad, me, and my brother)
There I go, just getting started
And here I come, looking...sweaty.
And the crowd erupts in cheers...sorta, lol.

Another sweaty shot of myself and my brother.
Will I do it again? I will tri. :)
Hey, it's Laurie from AWC. Just wanted to say hi since I just started following you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your running accomplishment, you got some great pictures from the event!