What Else?

Tuesday, July 6

I am back....

I am back from a fabu Fourth of July weekend.  

My parents, along with another couple, have a camp on the Jordan River in Bay St. Louis, MS.  It is such a fun place to be.  The "camp" and I used the term camp loosely, because it is more so a house, is located on a canal that ties into the river.  You can stand on the balcony and see all of the other camps, look down at the canal, or hop in the boat tied to the dock and be on the river in 4 min.  We don't get to spend much time down there because we all have such busy lives you know.  So this weekend was a rare occasion that my parents, brother, and I were able to go together*.  

We didn't do much other than lounge around, eat eat eat, play cards, take the boat out for a ride, and...spend Friday night in the ER.  My dad had a bike wreck.  My dad and bro where riding their racing bikes down the beach front highway, but a pothole had other plans for them, and my dad was the one to pay the price.  Six stitches and a battle wound later, he lives to tell the story.   

(In the ER)

(The next day + stitches)

So once we got over the trauma of that incident we proceeded to enjoy the weekend.  I said we took the boat out for rides.  Normally we probably would have fished, but I am sure you have heard of a little disaster called "The Oil Spill".  When all of the coastal shorelines are shut down, that pretty much puts a damper on any deep sea fishing you plan on doing.  Nevertheless, the river was still open, so we enjoyed it along with all of the other Fourth of July boaters, tubers, and jet-skiers.  My dog Duece even got to go on his first boat ride.   Did he like it you ask?  Well if you consider digging your claws into the wooden dock to keep from being forced on the boat, then yes...he loved it!

(Duece channeling Leo Dicaprio ala Titanic)

So, its back to blogging and back to reality for me.  

* I just wanted to mention that while we were together, we were still missing part of the crew.  My hubby Matt was definitely missed this weekend.  Love you baby.

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