What Else?

Tuesday, June 22

Quote Me

Blog Challenge Day 5:
Favorite Quote

I chose my favorite Bible verse to be my quote today.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”   James 16:33

It is so simple, we are nothing without God.  I depend on my faith in him.  Going through a deployment with your spouse definitely creates a lot of situations that aren't exactly ideal, there are are good days and bad days, but during the bad days I remember this verse.  I know that whatever trials or difficulties I face,  how upset or afraid I might be, that I really don't need to worry.  In the end, Christ overcame all of that for me, for you.

It just does exactly what it says, it gives me peace.

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