What Else?

Friday, June 25

The Price We Pay

Blog Challenge Day 8:
A photo that makes you sad

Surreal scene

Portable toilets stand on the beach as a beachgoer plays with her dog in the waters of Dauphin Island, Ala. on June 21. The portable bathrooms are for oil cleanup crews as they work to defend the coast against oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

In the aftermath

Spc. Christian Hoffman of Sanford, Fla., a medic with the 82nd Airborne Division, listens for the heartbeat of a gravely wounded man after a civilian truck hit a buried mine intended for foreign troops, on June 21 in Khushi Khona, Afghanistan.
The topic today is a photo that makes you sad.  I really don't think these photos need explanation from me.  Both of this pictures relate to me in my life.  I feel like while the rest of the world is sad about the oil-spill, their sadness is really only pity and doesn't even compare to that those of us who grew up on the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.  And I am equally saddened by the fact that my husband fights in a war that the majority of the United States doesn't give a fleeting thought to.  Every day our soldiers and our friends are sacrificing their lives for people that probably couldn't even find Iraq and Afghanistan on a map.
(photos are from MSNBC.com)

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