What Else?

Friday, June 18

I write the songs

Day 1:  Favorite Song

Okay, so maybe it was Barry Manilow that wrote the songs that the whole world sings, but I sure do like to sing em'.  Favorite song is a hard category because I have a lot of favorite songs.  For now I will share my favorite new song.  The other day I was making a CD of fun songs to send to Matt to put him in the mood for our cruise in November.  Yes, November is a long ways away, but when you and your spouse are separated by 1000x of miles, you do what you have to do, and thinking about going on a cruise in November makes me very happy.  So, back to the original topic...

I came across a song by the Zac Brown Band called, "Where The Boat Leaves From".  I love it.  It puts me in a good mood, an instant picker upper.  It is also the perfect song for summer time.   So this is my favorite song for now...Enjoy!

P.S.  The Zac Brown Band visited my husband's unit back in April, very cool.

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