What Else?

Friday, June 11

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl here your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhatten's elite
This isn't a show I would normally watch.  Actually my friend Stephanie H. has tried relentlessly for almost a year to try and get me to watch this show, and I always shrug it off, saying it isn't my type of TV.  Well, this weekend at the beach, I was ganged up on by 3 GG lovers and was forced to watched 2 and 3 hour long marathons of Gossip Girl.  Oh okay, I will admit it..I liked it.  I must have been fooling myself thinking that it wasn't my type of show...because honestly it is exactly my type of show.  The things that these so called high schoolers do are so unbelievable that they are in fact believable.   Every minute detail of their lives are rapped up in drama.  And apparently the Upper East side of Manhattan is the place to go if you are underage and want to engage in any form of promiscuous behavior.  I have officially added the remaining seasons to my Netflix...

And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. Xoxo, GossipGirl

P.S.  I discovered Moscato this weekend, thank you Lauren O'Rielly for introducing me, sooo good...Even though we messed up buying D'nasty stuff the second time.  

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