What Else?

Saturday, June 19

Either you're an athlete or you're not an athlete.

Challenge Day 2
Favorite Movie

Never have there been truer words, than those of Lucas Blythe.  Again, like favorite song, favorite movie is a tough category, it could have a thirty day challenge all it's own.  There are so many great movies out there.  Today though I was lucky enough to catch a classic on TV, a movie that was favorite when I was a little girl, Lucas. 

Lucas (Corey Haim) is about a fourteen year old runt who experiences heartbreak when two of his best friends fall for each other.  Cappie (Charlie Sheen) is the jock of the school who has a soft spot for Lucas, and his other friend Maggie (played by a no name) is a new girl in town that catches Cappie's eye.  Unfortunately Lucas likes Maggie, drama ensues.  For all of it's 80's teen movie cliches it really does tug at the heart strings, and you can't help but root for Lucas.  

I have no idea what it was my favorite when I was little, I wasn't older than 4-5.  I certainly didn't understand what it was about, it wasn't really funny, and there were no cartoons.  At any rate, it is a classic that I can pull out and enjoy just like it was the first time I was watching it.

Christmas vacation Pictures, Images and Photos
And for good measure, I will add this one.  National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Yes, it is a Christmas movie, but let's be honest with ourselves people, it CAN and IS enjoyed year round.
There is nothing better than a family as or more dysfunctional than your own.  We all have a cousin Eddy.  

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