What Else?

Monday, February 27

Whirlwind Weekend

Friday my Mom, Grandma and Grandaddy came into town to see Neil.  This is not my mom's first visit of course, more like her 100th, but my grandparents had not seen Neil since Christmas and he has really changed a lot.  I got some pictures but for some reasons none of them actually with Neil.

Delighted to have visitors.  Neil loves when people come to see him because he gets lots of attention and doesn't have to listen to mom and dad. 
I have to take these opportunities to get pictures with him, because it seems like I am always behind the camera. 
These two are hilarious, they both have so much fun together.    
A pitiful attempt to get the brothers to take a picture together.  Neil wouldn't look at the camera and Duece would only look at Neil.
Yes, that is a purple bumbo.  His nanny got this for him for Christmas, but they only had purple left.  We had intentions to return it for a boy color once the holidays were over.  That never happened, and we decided that we are okay with purple.

After my family left, Shannon and Adam came to see us.  Shannon and I got to hang out all afternoon while we banished the men to the golf course.  Who am I kidding, they would have rather been there anyway. 

Neil was so relaxed with his Aunt Shan.

And then to top it all off, after a workout at the gym, we got home and this little guy decided to go and grow up on me: 
Big man holding his on bottle for the first time!

Wednesday, February 22

So What Wednesday

It has been a while, as in a LONG time, since I have linked up with Shannon from Life After I Dew in her So What Wednesday blog.  I love reading her blog, the girl has a major case of the funnies and always tells it like it is.  I wish I was a little bit braver when it came to speaking my mind, at least on my blog.

Today I am saying So What! if...
-I stress out about getting my grocery list together, but then manage to not cook but 1 or 2 of those meals.  Sometimes Subway is so much easier.
-I didn't get emotional when I cleaned out all of Neil's clothes that he has outgrown.  I just think of it as more room for more cute boy stuff!
  -I took the baby to the liquor store to get a box, yes a box, of wine.  I decided to go with Mrs. Dew's recommendation of Franzia House Crisp White.
-I occasionally throw a shirt or pair of pants into the dirty clothes even if they aren't dirty, but because I don't feel like putting them up.
-I am OCD about keeping the house picked up but my car looks like a crap bomb hit it.
-I pay a neighborhood kid $5 a week to come walk the dog for me.  I like to think I am helping him develop good business skills.
-I only pin recipes on Pinterest.  Should I vary my interests?  Probably. 
-I watch Gossip Girl.  It is totally ridiculous now and I am not 16, but I still love it.
-I am fascinated with Vicki G's face on RHOOC...what did she do to it anyway?  I can't quit starring.
-I am a blogger that seems to only be talking about her kid right now.  He pretty much takes up all of my time so deal with it.

Speaking of...
This little guy loves to have a silly song sung to him.  His favorite?
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.  A classic!
And believe me I will sing it all day long if I can keep getting looks like this out of him.
When daddy sees how much fun it is he wants to sing with us.
Neil's favorite part is "toes".

Tuesday, February 14

Be Mine?

This year I was lucky enough to have 3 Valentines.  They all make me very happy.  
My first Valentine is 15 lbs of pure baby cuteness.  He loves me, laughs at my corny jokes, and doesn't mind me stealing kisses from him.
Matt also loves me, laughs at my silly jokes, and doesn't mind if I steal his kisses.
He is also a great dad.  Nothing makes you love your husband more than seeing him be a great dad to your baby.
And lastly, this guy.  He doesn't exactly laugh at my jokes, but I am pretty sure he loves me.  How do I know?  Unlike the other two he will lick my entire arm...fingers to shoulder.  If that isn't love, what is?
What did I get for V-day?  
An Edible Arrangement or as Daniel Tosh would call it, "a cold".  Bahahah!
Seriously though, I loved it.  I have always been curious about them and I have to say, the fruit was fresh and delish.  I am a girl that loves flowers and a loves food.  So what better way for my 3 men to tell me they love me then buy me food in the form of flowers!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Be sweet to the ones you love.

Saturday, February 11

Happy Birthday Matt

Wishing a very happy 28th birthday to my husband.  
Man we are getting old!
The older we get the harder it seems to buy birthday presents.  We pretty much buy what we want whenever we want it, not having to wait all year for our birthday's or Christmas like you did when you were a kid.  This year Matt just got a basket full of somethings he likes.  My favorite present was the omelet pan.  Matt likes making omelets for us on Saturdays and lets face it...this gift works out pretty good for me too!

Happy Birthday Dad!  

We have kind of got on a Sushi kick lately.  Almost everytime I go to Kroger I swing by the sushi station and pick up a roll.  For some reason, the past few weeks they haven't been making our favorite, blue crab and avocado roll.  Major bummer.  
I decided that for Matt's birthday we would make our own Sushi.  

Yes I realize that this doesn't really look that appealing at this stage, but trust me...it works out.

Our very first homemade sushi roll. 

Let me tell you it tasted just as good as the purchased kind and it wasn't hard at all.  

Tuesday, February 7

Housewives and Hunger Games

Is it sad that I have watched the same episodes of Real Housewives of Orange County and RHO Beverly Hills 50 bajillion times the past week.  I am excited about the episodes of Orange County starting this week and as always enjoyed the hot mess that was the 2nd part of the the BH reunion show last night.  These ladies have such a hard life, what with all the drama and all.  J/K!  They did inspire me to drink a glass of champagne this afternoon.  Too bad there is no champagne in my house.  Boo!
I really do like all the members of the BH cast.  They are all funny in their own way.  This season Camille really turned it around for me.  Lisa has that cheeky British wit that I find hilarious, but the real show stopper this season in my opinion was the former Mrs. Eddie Cibrian herself, Brandy Glanville.  
Girl really shook it up.  The best part?  She copped to slashing her husband's tires!  Bahaha.
No worries Matt, you know I would never slash your tires.  

As far as the new season of Orange County starting tonight.  I don't really know what to expect this year.  I can only hope that Tamara finds a way to kick herself off the show because I was over her before the season even began.  Buh bye Tamara!

I am only obsessing over the new housewives because I no longer have the Hunger Games (at least until March 23).  After being pushed by several people to read this series, I caved.  I started the first book last and finished the 3rd book in a 4 day period.  

I was riveted the entire time.  It is a little bit of science fiction (not my usual choice), coming of age, and teen romance all rolled into one.  Interesting?  You bet ya!
I totally loved Katniss and can not wait for the movie to come out in March.
Every time the little one did this:
I read.  Matt would probably say that I ignored the both of them.  (oops)
I found myself dreaming about the Hunger Games when I would go to sleep.  I may have gotten a little too into it, but isn't that the point of a good book?!