What Else?

Sunday, November 27

A Great Holiday Weekend

Today is the conclusion to a great holiday weekend.  Matt and I were lucky enough to host his family for Thanksgiving this year.  Having a one week old made being able to travel this year out of the question unfortunately, but his Mom and Dad, Sister, her husband, and their two little girls came all the way to TN to celebrate with us.  

Obviously Thanksgiving for Matt and I this year was even more special because it was the first holiday that we got to celebrate with Neil.  We had so much to be thankful for this year!
It kind of makes me sad to see this picture, because I was FOR SURE this outfit would be too big for him to wear at Thanksgiving and it wasn't.  It is true, they grow so fast!

Me and Neil

Our Thanksgiving Spread courtesy of Matt's Mom and Sister

Even Duece got a small Thanksgiving plate.  We are lucky that he has adapted to having Neil around so quickly! 
We went and checked out Christmas on the Cumberland after eating our yummy food.

And while I am a tried and true Southern Miss fan (even when they lose to UAB), I allowed my sweet baby to cheer for Mississippi State this weekend.  Thank you Uncle Bud for the camo State onesie, I guarantee he was the cutest state fan on Saturday!

Now that our weekend has come to an end, we are going to be venturing into uncharted territory.  Matt goes back to work tomorrow and all of our family is gone, so it will be just me and Neil during the day.  Matt is just one more thing that I was thankful for this year.  He has done such a great job at making the transition to parenthood easier for me, so we are really gonna miss him when he leaves in the morning!  Lets hope that Neil doesn't put on a show for me this week.

Tuesday, November 22

One Week Old

Yesterday my baby turned one week old. 
And he is still the cutest thing ever.  We have all settled in pretty well to having a baby at the house, but I would be lying if I didn't say it has been an adjustment.  The past week and the coming week we have and will be surround by our families, and it is fun to watch them love on Neil.  Also, many thanks to everyone that sent their love and congratulations to us.

At one week old, Neil likes:
-to pee on things, namely me and his dad
-to mess his diaper as soon as we change it
-to eat
-to hang out in his swing and the recliner with dad

I can't wait for the coming weeks that his personality really starts to develop!

Tuesday, November 15

Monkey Loo and a Baby TOO!

Well it is official...we have a baby!

After a long, long, long, (did I say long?) day Monday, Matt and I are now Dad and Mom to our sweet monkey.
Robert Neil Langford
November 14, 2011
11:40 pm
7lbs 1oz and 20 inches long

We have only had him for a short 18 hours but I have to say that he is the best baby.  He is so sweet, likes to be snuggled, and is incredibly alert with his deep grey eyes.  Matt and I are taking our time loving on him until we can bring him home!

Tuesday, November 8

Spoiling our only child

I have become super aware lately that our first child, Duece, will no longer be our only child.  It has been just Duece, Matt, and I for the last 3 years.  I think that my furry baby is going to handle the transition fairly well...as long as we remember to feed him and still let him snuggle with us at night.   

Matt and I decided that we would take him the Bark Park on Sunday in an attempt to have a family day.  I have a love/hate relationship with dog parks.  I feel like they can be compared to the first day of 6th grade for dogs.  Everyone is excited about the first day of school.  They don't want mom and dad following them around anymore.  They get more privileges and can explore on their own.  They meet new friends and bark about all the dog park gossip.  Then...the bully shows up.  There is always a bully at the dog park. 

Listen up fur parents:  Contrary to your beliefs, it is possible for your sweet angelic pup to be a bully.  If you have a bully dog and you insist on bringing them to the dog park, at least watch them.  Because if your cracked out crazy dog jumps up on my baby, I can not be held responsible for what happens to you.

It was pretty uneventful and this particular park is huge.  It is almost like a fenced in forest, which I think Duece loves even more because that is his natural element.

He explored in the trees, marking every single one of them.  I have no idea where he keeps all the pee, because he can just keep going and going.

Matt wanted to document that I do my "dooty" (see what I did there) and pick up after Duece.  My other dog park pet peeve, ppl not pickup up their dogs business.

Look who we saw here!  No not Beauf, but Duece loved him just the same.  Fred and his brother Wayland were the 2nd and 3rd cutest bassets we had ever seen.

"Just meeting some new friends mom."

We totally got photo bombed while Duece and I were trying to take a picture.  

My tired boy on the way home from his exciting adventure!